First, welcome to my website! Here you can find books, art, video game news and more! My name is Anni and I am a writer and artist who is interested in videogames, cosplay, website design, mechanical/software/hardware repair and computer programming.
Ever since 2008 I've been captivated by the gaming industry, going from Minecraft to League of Legends and eventually immersing myself in the world of consoles. I am a cosplayer and showed up in 2017-2023's Salt Lake City FanX's as Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels, and currently in the process of making a custom Mandalorian for FanX 2025.
Located in Utah, I’ve been working hard to make an impact on gaming, art, and writing. Some of my current goals include developing my skills further and becoming a Commercial Airline Pilot. Read on to learn more about everything I do and feel free to explore the sight for anything fun.
I'm always looking for new opportunities and provide several services ranging from art commissions to articles, so feel free to contact me through the button below!
Sorry, this is currently being worked on right now.